Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Party Is Over

Since the Battlestar Galactica cast and crew wrap party was held over the weekend, we can now report it was held at the Vancouver Library. Does it look familiar?

Helo and Sharon hung out there in ep 3, "Bastille Day."

Photo by Flickr user Lightgazer.

Looks like a great place for a party.

And at least we can be sure that if any rats tried to invade the party, Tahmoh could take care of it.

Caps from GalacticaBBS.


Greg said...

ah vancouver library, so awesome....

Peter said...

The event was amazing! As a sponsor for the Battlestar Galactica cast & crew series wrap up party, I was honored with the opportunity to attend the event which, as reported here was at the Vancouver Central Library.

Most of the cast and crew were on hand for the event, and there was lots of fun.

Peter Knowles
Always Canadian
"All Things Canadian"

Logan Gawain said...

That's awesome Peter. I'm glad it was a great success.

And happy Canada day!

Joe B. said...

Who would have thought it was such a quick commute from Caprica to the 4400 Center?

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