PopCandy has a link to these delightful Comic-Con exclusive merch items from the NBCU shop: a BSG Toaster and Dwight Schrute "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." T-shirt and bobblehead. That toaster actually brands a cylon head onto the toast. OMG.
A fan who shall remain nameless was nice enough to scan a foxy shot of La Sackhoff in this week's TV Guide (see below), which features a nifty tease for "Revelations":
Brace yourselves, Galactica fans. Executive producers Ronald D. Moore and David Eick are promising BIG things for the mid-season finale of the series' fourth and final year. Eick teases the cliff-hanger "definitely rivals the Season 2 'one year later' shock," but he's otherwise playing it coy...[snip for mild spoilers]...Eick says he's drawn to [the Starbuck] plot because "the struggles Starbuck faces on her own ship call into question the nature of who these people are." For Moore, "the Adama-Roslin relationship [is paramount]. I really like how it's matured. It moves me." The final 10 episodes have not yet been scheduled, but whenever they run, BSG's status as a sci-fi landmark is already set in stone. Frak yeah.
It moves us too, RDM. Awwwww. Is it Friday yet? Wheeee!
The New York Times posits BATTLESTAR GALACTICA as the latest cultural example of love between robots and humans. Hmm..."a love that dare not compute its name"? More like..."a love that most guys I know cannot wait to figure out how to achieve"... ;) Somehow this writer manages to bring up The Merchant of Venice, Metropolis, and R.U.R., but not A.I.'s Gigolo Joe. Go figure.
The Los Angeles Times gives a cool shoutout to both Laura Roslin and Buffy The Vampire Slayer while discussing how pop culture has prepared Americans for wide acceptance of a woman as POTUS.
io9 took time out from their busy schedule of completely misunderstanding and/or hating on BSG season 4, to have a quick chat with writer Jane Espenson about her last episode, “The Hub,” and find these cool BSG blueprint designs that were hidden somewhere on Sky One’s site.
Livejournalist ebneter posted this report on seeing Katee at the Wizard World Con last week.
Make Blog shows off a new entry in the “Make a Cylon” contest: Crow T. Cylon! Pretty cool…if you still want to enter the contest, you have till THIS FRIDAY. (Tip o’ the Hat to bonniegrrl)
A whole bunch of VIRTUALITY casting was announced yesterday:
"Joy Bryant, Sienna Guillory, Nelson Lee, Omar Metwally and Richie Coster have joined the cast...Bryant is set as Alice Thibadeau, Lee is playing Kenji Yamaguchi, Guillory will portray Rika Goddard, Metwally is set as Dr. Eyal Meyer, and Coster was cast as Jimmy Johnson." Shooting of this pilot begins in Vancouver next month.

Emmy bees are buzzing away this month since the nomination ballots are due by June 20th. THR mentions BATTLESTAR GALACTICA in these two pieces – always a bridesmaid in the high-profile categories, until last year’s writing and directing nods. (That second article has some interesting discussion of online TV viewing, btw.) EW takes a sort of surprising sideswipe at the show here while also suggesting Mary McDonnell’s time has come at last.
Maureen Ryan has made a list of all the ways she found LOST and BSG similar this season.
Once again, we find BSG in the Top 20 TV shows on the torrentstream…a whole other world of ratings that no one is counting, hmm.
In Bear McCreary's weekly post about his score work (this time for "The Hub") he discusses bringing back a favorite old melody that he'd been saving for just the right occasion... AWWWWW... and mentions what he'll be blogging about after this Friday's mid-season finale:
"The Hub was a good episode, but next week’s is a very special one to me. And after that, though it’s hard to believe, we’re off the air for a while. I’m going to continue to update this blog over the summer, and post Galactica updates as I finish scoring the last ten episodes. I’ll also post information about several new projects and soundtrack albums I’m doing this year. So, stick around during the break. :)"
SoundtrackNet has posted their report on the Bear McCreary BSG concerts, with a bunch of nice photos and DL'able MP3 snippets from every piece performed during the set.
A Daily Kos poster has this theory about how BSG and STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE share similar themes. I’m not a DS9 watcher and therefore have no opinion, but maybe some of you folks will dig it…or want to debate it for a few days. IDIC bbs.
Correction: Lucy Lawless’ free concert in Los Angeles is on June 28th, not the 29th. Her fan site is tracking the deets.
A&E has updated their web site and a page is now live for the new series THE CLEANER, co-starring Grace Park, which premieres July 15th.
Tricia Helfer’s site has EW’s and TV Guide’s previews of her role on the series BURN NOTICE. The show’s second season begins July 10th.
A very basic page has gone live on NBC’s site for the pilot Michael Trucco is shooting this summer, MAN OF YOUR DREAMS. The latest info seems to be this show is a possible pickup for midseason 2008-2009.
You lucky Aussie fans (and people with a massive collection of frequent flyer miles) can now go see Jamie Bamber and James Callis at the GenCon next month. That is gonna be FUN. Someone PLEASE VIDEOTAPE THAT for me, kay?
Meanwhile, apparently Aaron Douglas and James Callis are so tightly scheduled during these final weeks of shooting that it has effected their commitment to sparkle motion -- er, I mean to FedConUSA in Dallas. The latest news seems positive…
Gizmodo has noticed that the Cylons are probably doomed to failure, because they are running Windows XP2 on their basestars. Tsk-tsk.
1 comment:
More like..."a love that most guys I know cannot wait to figure out how to achieve"... ;)
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