Mojo has posted a great, spoiler-free report from last night's event. Besides the moving statements from the team as they wrap the show this month, and answers to audience questions, there were some fun tidbits for us about various Galacticaverse projects:
All expressed great affection for the show, which is currently shooting thetwothree hour finale. Rather than being sad to see it end, the general consensus was a feeling of pride to have been part of such a incredible, unique series...Much to the delight of the crowd, it was revealed that the potential DVD movies are still in play, and while the cameras are not quite ready to roll yet, fans should remain optimistic...Based on past experience, I wouldn’t be surprised if we had another chance at communal viewing for the series finale...
The fans who attended returned home and began posting on this skiffy thread, both comments and wonderful photos. There are apparently comments being left on the LA Times Envelope forum as well by attendees...that may have I didn't go to find a link for y'all. Knock yerselves out.
In a move that surpasses anything our fandom has seen in the past, Ron Moore apparently got up before the crowd just before the screening of "Revelations" and had everyone raise their right hand and swear a spirginal pledge, to keep what they saw last night a secret till Friday. Ron you are the man.
All of the blogger reports from The Futon Critic, SciFi Heaven, and Malor have kept to this pledge, so spirgins you are safe to read. More as it appears. Also: hey yeah...why doesn't RDM let La Sackhoff come to a podcast session once in a while?
Meanwhile you spoiler whores can go play here, here, here...and godsknows plenty of other places. *turns away from you*
Let me leave you with another gorgeous shot courtesy of the hardest working fanphotographer in the Galacticaverse, Scarbuck:

Don't forget that "Revelations" will be streaming, apparently IN ITS ENTIRETY, this Friday on from 9am to 4pm Eastern. *squee*
ETA: There are a lot of sites linking here, so we wanted to also point out we've posted more coverage of the Dome premiere here, here, and here. Party on!
>>Mary told of her visit the set of Caprica, where she said the cast reverently views the BSG team as “their parents.”
Let's hope not in the Cylon way... ;)
Kinda ironic, given that the CAPRICA characters are the parents of the BSG characters, in many ways. ;)
Did they say anything more detailed about the Galactica DVD Movies? Where can I find their comments?
Delurking to say, I really hope Katee gets to sit in on some podcasts. Although I enjoy listening to the podcasts, I would LOVE them if some of the actors got involved. Could you imagine a Mary McDonnell podcast?!
BTW, I love your site.
Someone asked about the movies, whether it was truth or rumor, and Moore said "both."
It's in limbo right now but they're trying to get it greenlit.
@wonderfallz: Thanks, and nice to see you de-lurked and talking. *g*
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