Saturday, June 28, 2008

Anyone Want a Tee Shirt?

Greg Dewar of the awesome site, Adama for President.Org has provided the Sitrep with an Adama '08 tee-shirt for us to give away to one of our lucky readers.

I have the shirt right here, wrapped in a nice package. The tees are printed so they don't fade as long as you wash them in cold water and avoid drying them at high heat (or just hang drying them).

Greg sent me another one of the shirts to keep myself. It's really cool. It's made of excellent quality 100% cotton (a Hanes tagless tee shirt).

The shirt we're giving away is brand new, size large, and looks just like it does in the photo above. (I'll ship it anywhere in North America, and will consider global shipping as well.)

All you have to do is send an email to BSGSitrep (at) yahoo (dot) com with "Free Adama Shirt" in the subject line, and include your name and shipping address. I'll try to get it shipped to you in time for Colonial Day.

You know how a radio station gives away concert tickets to the 95th caller? Well, that's how were kind of doing it this time.

The shirt goes to the 12th emailer! (In honor of the 12 colonies.)

Meanwhile visit Adama for President and check out their other patriotic products that celebrate colonial democracy.

Good luck, and good hunting.

UPDATE: We have a winner. Thanks to everyone who participated. Stay tuned for more contests in the future.

1 comment:

Greg said...

awww thanks all are the patriots though with all the great work you have done through out the season.

Remind your readers that we have an open-source version of our "Viva Adama" posters we'd love 'em to print out and post in places appropriate or not....frak "I believe in Harvey Dent" Admiral Adama is our hero!
