Saturday, April 19, 2008

NY Comicon Panel MP3

I'm still working on the video, which I will post soon -- but here is a downloadable MP3 of today's entire Comic Con panel with BATTLESTAR GALACTICA cast Michael Hogan, Rekha Sharma, and Michael Trucco, along with SciFi Channel's Mark Stern. David Howe of the SciFi Channel introduces moderator Marc Bernardin from Entertainment Weekly. Bernardin, a long time trufan of this show, is a terrific mod and asked great questions.

For the spirgins: the panel was blissfully (and surprisingly) spoiler-free, except for discussion of this past week's episode. I have to say we have one heck of a spoiler-sensitive fandom right here, as was clear from the crowd reactions during the panel.

Pop Candy and IGN have both posted panel reports, and Wired spoke to Stern after he left the stage this afternoon.


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting! I can't wait to listen!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mp3. I listened to it on the train on my iPod on the way to work this morning. The train is always dead silent and I was totally laughing out loud a few times. People were staring at me :)

ProgGrrl said...

Everyone really brought their A game to this helped a lot to have Bernardin there. I was wondering if all the LOL-moments would translate to folks like you listening who weren't in the room. Glad to know it DID. ;)

I hope these three will consider doing some more cons this year. It was such a blast.

marc bernardin said...

thanks for the kind words... And, for the second time in a row hosting a BSG panel, I didn't nervous-puke on anyone. Yay for me.

ProgGrrl said...

@marc: well-deserved words...I can tell you after years of film school and film festival and film-awards-season panels and Q&A sessions - IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MODERATOR, BABY. ;)

And congrats about the whole not-puking thing.

Anonymous said...

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