Thursday, December 13, 2007

Strike News In Brief

  • Deadline Hollywood Daily reports that Universal Studios called the cops when Ron Moore, Joss Whedon, along with other writers and fans tried to drop off the pencils to moguls at the Universal gate.
  • DHD published the statement today from the Directors Guild of America which was written in such a way to give them maxim wiggle room so as not to offend anyone. While the DGA said, "In order to give the WGA and the AMPTP one last chance to get back to the table, we will not schedule our negotiations to begin until after the New Year, and then only if an appropriate basis for negotiations can be established," I'm left wondering exactly what that means, or what impact it will have on the intransigence of the AMPTP.
  • United Hollywood is taking up a collection for Les Moonves since he's hurting after Sumner Redstone tossed piles of money at him.
  • Also reported on UH, MTV Networks workers who were getting their healthcare slashed for the holidays, walked out and forced a reversal. Sumner Redstone owns MTV as well. I guess the cash for Moonves came out of the MTV health plan.
  • Nikki Finke also reports on the disruption of Carson Daly's pathetic talk show.
  • Funny item one, a funny item two, from the Late Show Writers on Strike site. (I guess Letterman writer Justin Stangel is a Star Trek fan.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

carson daly is a pathetic gen-xer with no visible talents

does anyone watch his show?

the same people who watched drew carey maybe ...