Saturday, December 15, 2007

Runner Up

Maureen Ryan of The Watcher for the Chicago Tribune has published her top ten list of the best shows of 2007. Ryan names Mad Men as the best show this year. While Battlestar Galactica didn't make her top ten list, it did make her list of runner ups:

“Battlestar Galactica” (Sci Fi): Though there were some wobbles in the second half of Season 3, the final four episodes of this drama’s third season, as well as the standalone movie “Razor,” proved once again why this space series is in a class by itself. There’s nothing like a good “Battlestar” plot twist to make your head spin, but the “holy cow” moments aren’t the main point (though they’re one heck of a tasty side dish). But the show and its twists and turns are grounded in deep curiosity about human nature, and how contradictory and confounding it can be. And some of its most provocative moments spring from an abiding interest in the ways in which people fight tyranny – and in doing so, sometimes become tyrants.

To read Ryan's full list and to find out why Mad Men was the best, click here.

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