Saturday, July 28, 2007


Sci Fi Wire has announced the return of Lucy Lawless:

SCI FI Channel announced that Lucy Lawless will return to Battlestar Galactica for a minimum of two episodes of the show' s upcoming fourth and final season, currently in production in Vancouver. Lawless will reprise her role as D' Anna, the religious zealot who was deemed defective.

[tip of the hat to Sci-fi Stream]


Anonymous said...

I would've been surprised if she *hadn't* come back. If they are truly wrapping it up, I would expect all of the cylons to be involved in a big way. I think there may be more drama between the 12 of them than them and humanity. - einaphets

ProgGrrl said...

Yeah, I am really excited about all the trouble-amongst-the-cylons rumors and tidbits I've heard. (Not trying to hear much more natch, as I'm 90% spirgin *g*)