Thursday, October 26, 2006

BSG Sitrep Show Notes #18

Exodus part 2 reviews...

SyFy Portal.

Entertainment Weekly.

Sean Elliot in If Magazine.

TV Guide online.

Tubular Blog.

New York Post on BSG and Iraq.

Slate on Battlestar Iraqtica.

Karen Karbo in the Oregonian rebutting the Slate view.

BSG as Film Noir.

Newsweek covers the webisode troubles.

Jamie Bamber talks season 3 with Gateworld.

New BSG comics, about the Cylon War, and the current series time period.

Ron Moore and Harlan Ellison talk about Galactica at the screenwriting expo.

Bear McCreary discusses scoring Exodus Part 2 in his blog.

More Anthrax set photos.

Also, David Eick's video blog has been updated.

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