Wednesday, March 15, 2006

BSG Humor

On their podcast for Lay Down Your Burdens part 2, Ron Moore and David Eick noted that they were drinking some good stuff: Johnnie Walker Blue Label. (Or was it the Black Label?) Anyway, as their podcast continued on, and as their beverages started to kick in, they made some entertaining jokes. So, to those that have wondered, they were just joking about Olmos not coming back in season 3, and being replaced by CGI. (And they were just joking about season 3 taking place 5 years later.)

Anyway, I've seen some posts on the internets wondering if they were joking or not, so, yes they were. (Just like Eick and Katee Sackhoff were doing one long elaborate joke in Eick's video blog number 20.)

And I think drinking makes the podcasts better. I think I'll start drinking when I record the Galactica Sitrep podcasts.

And Ron and David also did some drinking on their commentaries for early season 1 episodes on the season 1 dvd set. (Since Ron didn't start the commentary podcasts until toward the end of season 1.)

I would have to say drinking always makes commentary tracks much more entertaining. So, to Ron Moore and David Eick, keep up the drinking. Especially if it's expensive good stuff.


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. In fact my dream scenario would be Ron Moore, David Eick, Missus Ron and Missus Eick all drinking Jonnie Walker while doing a commentary. Runner up to that would be Katee Sackhoff and David Eick doing much of the same and continuing in the same vein as they did in video blog episode 20.

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eda said...
