Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Liveblogging & spoiler-squelching

Some fans who cannot be in Los Angeles at the Q&A screening tonight will be live-blogging and hanging out in this skiffy thread, if you want to come down and hang. Also, the battlestar blog on livejournal already has this review/discussion thread up for those of you who just HAVE to talk about it before the entire ep begins live streaming on Friday morning.

Meanwhile, please note that any spoilers about the "Revelations" screening tonight that are posted here in the comments of any Sitrep posts will be deleted till Friday.

So don't even think about it.



Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, please note that any spoilers about the "Revelations" screening tonight that are posted here in the comments of any Sitrep posts will be deleted till Friday.

THANK you, ProgGrrl. Not many moderators or list-owners I know have that kind of self-control.

Unknown said...

The RSVP thing was a very clever hoax. Me and my friends got in by just waiting in line, same as last year. I think they said that so not as many people would come.

ProgGrrl said...

@uber: I have been, and will always remain, a 90% spirgin. I hope.

@michael: Hmmm...yeah...I've been hearing that. Well they had a huge space, a fluid list of VIPs, and they weren't sure how many fans could actually be allowed it's not a surprise.

"Eighty percent of success is showing up." -- Woody Allen