Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Ronald D. Moore writes in his blog in support of the WGA leadership. Ron notes:

This is a moment of trust.

Trust in the people we elected to represent our interests, to fight for our rights and to safeguard our interests for the future.

The Guild leadership and the members of the Negotiating Committee have put themselves out in front, taken the ill-informed knocks from the media, the calculated slander from the studios, and the cajoling, bickering, and Monday-morning quarterbacking of some elements within the membership itself and yet they’ve never wavered from their goals of trying to achieve the best deal for all of us and for the writers who will follow in our footsteps. The sheer number of arrows these people take on a daily basis on the internet alone rival the incoming fire at the Little Bighorn and it’s something of a miracle that not a single one of them has simply let loose in a tirade of vitriol and bile at their tormentors in some public forum. I’ve heard them accused of everything from seeking personal political gain to seeking to foment communist revolution over the course of the strike, but time and again they just keep coming back to the basic issues of fairness and justice in what they’re seeking for all of us.

They deserve our trust. And they damned well have earned it.

Composer Bear McCreary on his blog responds to those who steal music. Mark Verheiden concurs with Bear's point.

And Bear's point is simple. For all of history art has been supported by patrons of the arts. Today, we who purchase CDs, DVDs, or iTunes downloads are the modern day patrons of the arts. As Bear wrote:
If Battlestar means something to you, if the show has done anything at all to brighten your life, to bring clarity to moments of confusion, then support it. Support the people who have dedicated their lives to their art, to giving something back to society that is worthwhile.

My music is an integral part of Battlestar. It is one of the many reasons that this series resonates with audiences. And I spend every waking moment bringing it to life. If the result of my work affects you emotionally… support it.

Unlike the radio and television audiences of the past, our relationship is symbiotic. Like all artist / patron relationships, ours has the potential to be incredibly rewarding for all involved. But, if you download the show illegally, you sacrifice your role in the relationship. You’re no longer a patron of influence, but a spectator from the sidelines, a political pundit who doesn’t vote.

Plus, Bear has no control over the fact that BSG music doesn't get sold on iTunes as Bear has noted in his FAQ:
Unfortunately, that decision rests entirely with NBC Universal, not with myself or the record label. Hopefully someday… in the meantime, pick up a trusty ol’ Compact Disc.

So once again, put pressure on NBC/U if you want Bear's Battlestar music on iTunes.

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