Friday, February 08, 2008

More Sci Fi Channel Day coverage

IESB has more photos and reportage from the Sci Fi Channel strike day...does anyone else find it interesting that Joss Whedon was there? Or is it just me? Regardless, it always fills me with happiness when the makers of my favorite stuff totally, like, hang out together. Tee hee.

Speaking of folks spotted in these photos - Michael Trucco and Kate Vernon were also on the picket at NBC-Uni that day, as you can see in the IESB shots below. Nice "frakking cylon" shirt, Trucco!

Friend of the show Mexichick has also posted a bunch of photos from the picket line over in this skiffy forum thread...some highlights below:

Trucco looks like he's very well recovered from his accident...

L to R: EUREKA's showrunner Jamie Paglia,
Joss Whedon and RDM...

BSG writer/producers David Weddle (left) and Bradley Thompson (right), being interviewed for Canadian SpaceTV...

Group discussion, with Michael Taylor (writer of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: RAZOR) almost visible on the left:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Trucco, way to have legs that go on forever.